Current Drapery Trends: 5 Looks You Need to See

Art at the window? It’s often about fabrics. Draperies soften the atmosphere, instantly inviting personality to the space. Beyond the presence of fabrics, it’s the details that truly bring the whole look together. What are the current drapery trends? We’re glad you asked!

Perfect Patterning

If you’ve been paying attention to the world of design, you know the patterns showing up are nostalgic and timeless. Plaids, large scale florals, painted stripes, geometric shapes…these are all finding their way into current drapery trends. Use patterning to bring in color, add dimension, or express the style you are trying to convey.

drapery and roller shades on windows in contemporary living room
Custom Drapery with Roller Shades

Dynamic Details

When you start to look into the details of draperies, you might begin to feel like you need some help. That’s what our window treatment designers are here for! The details make such a statement of design, and this process should be fun. We’ll help you decide which drapery hardware would look best in your home. We’ll also guide you through the selection of header style, which refers to the way your draperies are finished across the top. Current drapery trends include hardware in matte black, gold and oil-rubbed bronze. Popular headers include grommets and pinch pleat styles.

current drapery trends pinch pleat header styles

Luxurious Layers

It’s no secret that layering draperies with window shades will create tremendous style and function for your room. The draperies frame the sides of the window, opening and closing as needed. The window shades open and close to create light control and privacy. It’s a perfect pairing for beauty and lifestyle!

side drapery panels and window shades layered in a cozy modern dining room
Custom Drapes with Provenance Woven Shades

Designers are loving the soft, airy look of linen drapes paired with woven shades. Both linen and cotton fabrics are flowing, and they provide a beautiful frame, but they aren’t heavy. Combined with the light filtering charm of woven shades, it’s a magnificent match!

current drapery trends include side draperies with sheer drapes together
Luminette® Privacy Sheers with Custom Drapery

Another way to layer fabrics at the window is with solids and sheers. The side drapery panels act as bookends, adding color and dimension. The sheer draperies invite light into the home, showcase the view, but keep the glare out.

Surprise Yourself

Who says you have to follow the “rules” of home design? Luckily for all of us, one of the current drapery trends is adding draperies in spaces where they aren’t expected. They introduce sophistication and elegance into spaces where we normally wouldn’t think possible. Your walk-in closet, the primary bathroom, the laundry room…the sky’s the limit! Trust us when we say that adding elegance to your laundry room will make the whole experience better!

draperies and roman shades in primary bathroom in Chagrin Falls OH
Custom Drapery and Roman Shades 

Is It Colors or Neutrals?

There will always be a battle of color vs neutral in the design world. (Many of us do fall into a mix of both!) If you had to pick a side, would you say you fancy yourself a lover of color? Or are you Team Neutral? Take some time to scroll–look through photos and see what catches your eye. There is no right or wrong–only what you love.

custom drapery fabrics with colors and patterns
The “Hidden Treasure” Collection of Fabrics

Which look do you love? Are you on board with the current drapery trends, or do you have a different vision of what you’d like in your home? We’d love to help. At Timan, we’ll walk you through the process, guiding you to find favorites and designing a gorgeous finish in your Northeast Ohio home! Get in touch for your free design consult today.